Coming to you live from Anchorage Alaska.
Well, shucks! I was hoping by today I could reveal a finished product that I'm determined to cast off before my classes start next week, alas. I've been having too much fun doing other things. Next week I will have something to share, guaranteed. So, this post will be about more of the same ravelings that are taking place in our spring filled lives.

The little otter that kept showing up this week. Otters have always reminded me of my Grandpa Root. I like when certain animals remind me of people. Then when I spot that animal it is like a part of that person has stopped by to say hello.
An upside down heart.
I'm happy to announce that the knitting gods have been at it again. On Tuesday I jaunted down to our mailbox only to find my first issue of Cast On. Yay! As a member of the knitting guild this means I will receive a year subscription of Cast On. I've been waiting to get this issue for a couple months and have been acting like Ralphy from the Christmas story when he was waiting to get his Little Orphan Annie decoder pin. However, Cast On is far from the disappointment of the Little Orphan Annie decoder! All of the patterns provide designer notes and technical tips. I think I will enjoy my subscription. This isn't the end of my story. You see, when I arrived at our box once again there was a pile of knitting magazines for the taking. I still haven't found out who is donating knitting magazines. Any ideas on how I might woo them into being my knitting friend? I was thinking of leaving a thank you note by our mailboxes. Are cookies too much?

In other news, S made his first outing wearing
Gray Cascade 220 Take Two over the weekend. While we were walking along the coastal trail, a couple of yahoos stopped us and asked us to share our voices for
clean energy. So, I let them videotape me. I've always been a bit camera shy not to mention people shy so I doubt that they'll use what I said. Anyway, while we were talking, one of the gents looked at Steve and said, "Wicked Sweater, Dude!" A hipster and a stranger complimented the sweater I made for S!
S in the clouds.
S at the market.I also did a little shopping this week. My first stop was the
Quilted Tree a well stocked fabric store with an okay yarn selection. This was my first visit. And now I'm wavering on whether I should divulge a secret that may determine my future readership. Ehem, well, in all honesty I have a love hate relationship with yarn stores, gasp! I'm not sure that I can articulate why that is because every knitter must love yarn stores, right? It is just that at times something makes me terribly uncomfortable in yarn and fabric stores and I can't put my finger on why exactly. The jury is still out on Quilted Tree. But, the sales clerk who helped me was really delightful and deeply understanding of knitters being tactile creatures. She filled our hands with alpaca as soon as we entered the knitting section. I left The Quilt Tree with a wonderful wool and silk blend. The sale clerk said it best: "This yarn is not displayed well but it knits up so fine."
Twisted Knitter has an elegant lace scarf pattern that will suit this yarn. Hopefully, I'll be casting on soon...
My shopping adventure was not done yet... We made our way over to Barnes and Noble. Another first since moving to Anchorage. Barnes and Noble is the place where I go when I'm homesick. On this day I wasn't homesick, but since I generally go when I am I had to do a mental check. "Am I home sick? No, you're fine. Carry on." Big chain stores are like the equivalent of a Latin Mass. You can go anywhere in the world and rest assured that the words will be the same and the church calendar is still intact. When I make my way through the doors of Barnes and Noble, I can instantly get my bearings and say, "Ah, this is something I know and expect." Anyway, I generally avoid big chain stores but Home Depot, Target and Barnes and Noble are the exception. I enter and I'm instantly in Duluth, Minnesota. Anyway, back to the knitting part of this excursion. Much to my surprise the B & N in Anchorage has a great knitting selection better than the local bookstore and Quilted Tree. Guess what I found hiding out on the sales rack?
Classic Knits by Erika Knight. I'm not familiar with her work, but I like the classic style of her designs, and for six dollars-what a steal!
That's all for this week. Knit on.